Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Letters delivered to Oregon Senators

Personal letters to the offices of Oregon Senators Ron Wyden and Gordon Smith were hand-delivered today - appealing to their bi-partisan approach.

Bipartisan approach:

If you are concerned about this important topic, please follow up with these gentlemen:

Senator Gordon Smith
Washington, DC Office Portland Metro Office
404 Russell Building 121 SW Salmon St., Suite 1250
Washington, DC 20510-3704 Portland, OR 97204
Phone: (202)224-3753 Phone: (503)326-3386

Senator Ron Wyden
Washington, DC Portland Metro Office
230 Dirksen Senate Building 700 NE Multnomah St., Suite 450
Washington, DC 20510-3703 Portland, OR 97232
Phone: (202) 224-5244 Phone: (503) 326-7525


Sunday, July 10, 2005


For a unique approach to our energy problem, visit There, you will find access to detailed research (into "Hydrogen pricing"), as well as how to create and fund an Energy Independence Fund. You will also find a summary 2-page "opinion letter" and links to Senators and Representatives... to get your voice heard.

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